Mon 8:30-5:00 pm - Southern Pacific BEVALUATION AND USABILITY OF PROGRAMMING LANGUAGES AND TOOLS (PLATEAU)Emerson Murphy-Hill, University of British Columbia, Canada
Programming languages exist to enable programmers to develop software effectively. But how \emph{efficiently} programmers can write software depends on the usability of the languages and tools that they develop with. The aim of this workshop is to discuss methods, metrics and techniques for evaluating the usability of languages and language tools. The supposed benefits of such languages and tools cover a large space, including making programs easier to read, write, and maintain; allowing programmers to write more flexible and powerful programs; and restricting programs to make them more safe and secure. We plan to gather the intersection of researchers in the programming language, programming tool, and human-computer interaction communities to share their research and discuss the future of evaluation and usability of programming languages and tools. We are also interested in the input of other members of the programming research community working on related areas, such as refactoring, design patterns, program analysis, program comprehension, software visualization, end-user programming, and other programming language paradigms. |